Consulting Services

Circle RC provides consulting on a variety of topics related to the management and operation of arenas, event centers, and fairgrounds. Below are some of the general topics we cover, but a customized proposal can be prepared for your unique facility.

Facility and Grounds


Facility and grounds management can be defined as the tools and services that support the functionality, safety, and sustainability of buildings, grounds, infrastructure, and equipment.


Circle RC is experienced in every aspect of managing facilities such as arenas, event centers, and fairgrounds. We can assist with capital planning and budgeting, preventative maintenance programs, safety and security standards, policies and procedures, and implementing industry best practices.


Return on Investment


Government owned arenas, event centers, and fairgrounds have their own unique challenges in regard to financial and community support. Having a system in place for monitoring the return on investment is vital to securing current and future support for a facility. The decision to build and/or manage a major asset like these facilities is never made lightly. Budgeting methods, fee schedules, and economic and community impact studies are tools that may be used to illustrate the value and performance of a facility to its stakeholders.


In this category, Circle RC evaluates the overall facility including utilization of potential revenue sources, budgeting methods, and strategic use of fee schedules in order to evaluate the return on investment. We also design economic and community impact studies to plan for future growth and needs.


Event Planning and Scheduling


Arenas, event centers, and fairgrounds host a variety of events throughout the year. Most of these facilities have an arena, at least one event room, and space on the grounds for outside events. Most of the time, multiple events are happening at the same time or back-to-back. There are planning and scheduling challenges that are unique to these types of facilities. Facility managers must oversee the logistical, creative, and technical aspects of these events, all while maintaining the facility and grounds for use by the community and other stakeholders.


Circle RC has several years of experience managing these facilities and events. Juggling the needs of a roping competition being held in the arena, while hosting a craft show in the event center, and a carnival outside on the grounds all in the same weekend (knowing you have to be ready for a cutting show two days later) may sound impossible, but we have had successful weekends with that exact scenario. It took careful planning and management of people and resources, but we can show you how it can be done.   




The key purpose of marketing is to get people interested in the facility and to communicate what services are provided. Utilizing tools such as the facility’s website and social media pages to advertise upcoming events, share pictures and video of current events, and general information about what the facility offers will serve to support current customers and draw in future customers.


Marketing for an arena, event center, or fairgrounds requires developing tools to reach a variety of different customers on multiple platforms. The facility’s website must be current, visually appealing, and full of relevant information. It should easily connect to any social media pages being maintained as well. Having a recognizable brand or logo for the facility is important as well for building a reputation and advertising (not to mention the potential revenue from merchandising sales). Circle RC can assist with the development of a marketing plan and social media strategy.


Strategic Long-Term Planning


An effective strategic plan clearly defines an organization’s mission and purpose, serves to develop short and long-term goals, and aligns stakeholders with a shared vision that will guide decision-making and resource allocation. Without a strategic plan, an organization risks wasting resources in uncoordinated pursuits and losing revenue by investing in programs or objectives that aren’t a good fit for the community in which it operates. 


Circle RC helps organizations develop a strategic plan that will be a vital tool in achieving their mission. Working with the facility’s stakeholders, we will identify the facility’s strengths/weaknesses and opportunities/threats. We will guide the development of a strategy, which includes milestones and checks and balances, that will allow the facility to use all of its assets to provide the best possible service. 


Mission Statement


The term mission statement may sound like a catch phrase that is over-used these days, but it really is a vital component of any facility’s long-term plan. The purpose of a mission statement is to communicate the direction of an organization, guide day-to-day operating decisions, keep the organization focused, and engage elected officials, staff, and citizens. It is a short one or two sentence statement of why an organization exists, what its overall goals are, and what services it strives to provide. Ideally, the mission statement should be a shared vision that will guide the organization’s growth and direction far into the future. Basically, it ensures that when making decisions or allocating resources, everyone is on the same page regarding the purpose, goals, and direction of the organization.


Circle RC can assist your organization in developing a Mission Statement by working with stakeholders to define its purpose, goals, and values. Developing a mission statement involves connecting the organization’s goals to the public it serves and is used as a powerful guide for wise planning.